Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Week 74 - D&C 100:12 What's your verse?!

Loved ones,

It was pretty cold here in Georgia this past week! Everyone went into a panic because there was a forecast of 3-5 inches of snow on Friday night. The kids got out of school early and the grocery stores were cleared out of bread and milk haha. We had fun biking and walking around and sharing the good news of the gospel! I hope y'all stayed safe and warm! I hear it was pretty bad this past week for y'all too. Oh yeah, we woke up Saturday to a dusting of snow on the ground and all the trees were covered in ice! It was so pretty! We took some pictures but they don't do it justice.

Stephanie came to church! She is reading the Book of Mormon every day and is on page 17! We had a lesson with her on Saturday night. Her mom has always been open to her learning but now that she sees that she is truly starting to believe it's made her nervous and she tries to come in and interrupt our lessons. It's kind of a bummer. But we have helped her make some new friends in the ward and members want to have her over for lessons in their homes so it should work out just wonderfully. I'm so excited for her! Oh! A girl in the ward named Lucy has become her friend by coming to teach her with us. She picked her up and showed her around. Their Sunday school teacher is a convert and we didn't realize it! It was perfect! He opened up to her and shared his experiences investigating the church and they all welcomed her with open arms. I love her so much. I know the Lord will watch over her and Heavenly Father will answer her prayers. I also know she is in good hands with Sister Hurst and her new companion.

Saturday was freezing and icy and we didn't have our car. We felt that the best use of our time would be to tract in apartment complexes and neighborhoods nearby our apartment. As we began our companion study the thought came to my mind of a French Liahona that Sister Neff had left for one of our investigators. We adjusted our plans so we could bring it by to her. We walked a couple miles to her neighborhood. She was home and happy we stopped by but was on her way out the door and couldn't talk for long. We went to follow up with a few more potential investigators with no luck. We were trying to decide if we should leave that neighborhood or keep trying and go deeper into it. We stopped, looked at our area book map ap and remembered a former investigator a member family wanted us to check in on in that neighborhood! We kept going and across the street we saw a guy walking towards us. We waved and said hello. He thought we were crazy and asked what we were doing out in the cold! We told him we were missionaries sharing the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! He instantly said "Oh, y'all are Mormons?! I was an investigator about a year ago. The two young men that would meet with me asked me to read and pray about the Book of Mormon but I never did. They would come over and read and talk with me. Are y'all able to do that? I can give you my address and phone number." ..... We were in shock!! Haha. We talked a little more about his experience with the Elders, answered a few of his concerns about the Bible and the Book of Mormon, invited him to church and set a return appointment for the next day. As we were parting ways he told us "I'll give y'all this... I've been going to a lot of different churches over the years and I felt the influence of the Holy Spirit more in your church than any other." It was a miracle!! We kept walking down to check in on the former. Bad time. We had to use the restroom so we stopped by a member nearby. She offered to give us a ride wherever we needed to go. It was sooo tempting! We were freezing! We looked at each other and because of our experience with Justin we felt it was right and were even excited about walking and talking to people. We turned one last corner before walking out of the neighborhood and guess who we crossed paths with again?... Justin!! We said our hellos again and he told us how he just felt really confused... He has studied so many different religions and heard so many different ideas his mind just wasn't in a good place and he didn't like it. Instantly I had a Mormon message come to my mind called "Origin" it shows a teenage girl going through life today and she is reciting the words of Joseph Smith from JSH taking about the "war of worlds" and " tumult of opinions" which ultimately led him to "ask of God". We shared it with him. I could see him wiping the tears from his eyes as it played out. He thanked us for showing him the video and said it lit a fire inside him. He also told us that as he was walking back God told him to read the Book of Mormon. He said he wanted to go do it right then! It was incredible. We had studied that morning about understanding and recognizing the Holy Ghost. It truly helped us be sensitive to the Spirits guidance. Then, as we humbly relied on the Spirit and tried our best to make the most of the situations we were in, the Lord worked miracles. 

Ever since I was a little girl when someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up I would answer "A mom!". It's always been my greatest desire. As I was praying last night talking with Heavenly Father different experiences were brought to my mind. I thought of memories of my mom rocking me and my siblings to sleep singing primary songs. I thought of memorizing The Living Christ as a family. I thought of reading our scriptures as a family in the mornings. I was overcome with gratitude for my sweet parents. I also had memories of the opportunities I've had to teach the gospel in simple terms. Mostly memories of teaching children. Even just that day. I felt such peace and such joy! Heavenly Father knows my greatest desires. He knew the way to make me the best possible mom I could be. I know more now than ever that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father and that He knows and loves me. I know His Son, Jesus Christ, is my Savior and my Redeemer. I have a love for the scriptures deep in my heart. I will be able to tell me children "the stories of Jesus" and the stories of the prophets that testified of him in the scriptures. I also have grown a love for the restoration in an indescribable way. I have a desire to know and learn from latter-day prophets and their lives. I will be able to teach them to my children. These are just a few of the things I have been reflecting on... I'm just so thankful for my mission. 

I'm still planning on reading the Book of Mormon in 65 days! I've learned so much and felt the power of taking more time to read it! 

I can't thank all y'all enough for all the prayers and love that has been sent my way! Can't wait to give each one of y'all a big hug!!

All my love,
Sister Christensen

I will miss Sister Hosman so much!!

Hailey is getting baptized on Saturday. When she found out I wouldn't be there she broke down sobbing! It broke my heart! We got to celebrate her birthday dinner with her last night though so that made up for it.. kinda. Love her.

Georgia gave me a beautiful goodbye present last night 😍.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Week 73 - Mosiah 18:30 What's your verse?! (Mormon:Georgia)

Loved ones,

What a week! It was quite a bit of meeting awesome people and then
them telling us the next day to not come back. But we also have had
some great experiences!

Our top investigator has been out of town for two weeks but we've been
reminding her to read and pray every day and she's been doing it! She
said she is so excited to meet with us when she gets back and we are
fasting with her on Sunday for her to receive her answer. This will be
the first time she has attended church! We're really excited about it!

We also saw the Chinese woman we met a few months back! We talked
through google translate and she was so excited to learn about Jesus!
It has been forever since we've been able to get into contact with her
and it was so great! She really wants to learn English and only wanted
to talk about how she didn't understand the Book of Mormon in English
yet.. I asked her if she was reading it in Chinese and she said yes
and that she LOVES it! Her face just lit up! I loved it! We are
getting Chinese speaking temple square missionaries to teach her with
us! She is sooo sweet!!

We started on bikes again this week and it was so fun yesterday! I may
sound crazy but it was down poring and we got drenched and I loved
every second of it! After telling us she didn't want to hear what we
had to say this sweet lady felt bad for us and invited us for some hot
coco (still think of Coco Louise every time). We talked with her and
her sister for awhile about what church was like for them growing up
and they were amazed by our dedication to our faith. Still didn't want
to hear anything but it was a good experience.

Our dinner appointment yesterday was so mad we didn't call her to come
pick us up haha. But we had fun in the rain. Luckily it wasn't a cold

In other news... I've been feeling for months that I should go home in
the January transfer and not extend but I've been brushing it off
because I wanted to stay here forever. Finally I talked with President
Bennion about it this weekend. After prayer and fasting I am coming
home January 12th. Pretty crazy! This is my last full week in Georgia!

I love y'all!
Sister Christensen

I love fog. LOVE it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Week 72 - Mosiah 18:21 What's your verse?!

Loved ones,

I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!! I loved seeing the family and
laughing with them. Y'all are the absolute best! And I didn't cry this
time! Aren't y'all proud?! Coco is so smart and so big and so
beautiful! The rest of y'all are pretty great too 😘.

We sang in the choir on Sunday and I really enjoyed it. I love music.
It brings in the spirit so strongly. We also had this awesome "youth
strings group" that played a killer musical number with some other guy
on the flute. It was probably my favorite part. We had all the wards
come together and I love looking out at all the people I love, making
eye contact and smiling at each other. Their love of our Savior and
how we all come together to rejoice in Him is amazing. I love that we
can come together once a week to do that and then strive our best to
keep Him in our hearts always. I love Him.

How has reading the Book of Mormon been for y'all? I love hearing from
mom about all she is doing with it. I noticed dramatically how much
just a little extra time and effort to read totally brought clarity to
my mind and peace to my heart. I love getting lost in the Book of
Mormon. The next day after I had that experience I went on exchange
with Sister Hosman in Laurel Springs. We went to a lesson with a
sister that was baptized a few years ago and her family has just
stopped going. I was able to relate to her a lot with my experience of
not always going to church. She really opened up to us. She had so
many questions she didn't even know where to begin. And her mind just
felt so confused. We were able to testify of doing the little things
daily... praying and reading and then coming to church on Sunday's. I
was able to testify of my experience the previous day and how much the
Book of Mormon brought clarity to my mind and peace to my heart and
how I knew it could do the same thing for her. She agreed to begin
praying and asking Heavenly Father her questions and then to begin
reading the Book of Mormon every day! She was so thankful we came and
was excited to let us know how it goes. It was so great meeting her
and I had so many other wonderful experiences with Sister Hosman. I'm
so thankful she is out here with me!

I love y'all!
Sister Christensen
Thanks Randall! 💚💛
Their son plays basketball for BYU. They have a daughter on a mission in Kirkland. They take good care of us! 💕

Caroling with Sister Hosman. A couple in her ward had these fancy bells! So fun!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Week 71 - Mosiah 16:9 What's your verse?!

Loved ones,

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Ah, I love the Christmas season! Sister Hurst and I
have been caroling up a storm here in Suwanee! My favorite experience
from it this week has been when we knocked on the door, started
singing and the cutest little Korean lady opened the door. She was SO
excited that we were caroling for her! She started singing along with
us and asked if she could take our picture haha. We showed her the
#lighttheworld video and she loved it!! She wanted us to come back and
she begged us to go carol for her friend that lived in the apartment
across from hers. We agreed and she made us promise we wouldn't tell
them the she sent us. She also let us know she'd be watching through
the peep hole haha. I love her! Ends up her friend and her family want
to learn more about Christianity! They're all coming to hear us sing
in the church choir on Sunday!

A lot happened this week...
Our church had a fire... It wasn't repaired in time for church.
All three wards met at another building 15miles away at 2pm yesterday.
Before the opening prayer a man in the congregation had a heart
attack. A sister from our ward did cpr. When the paramedics came they
cleared the chapel. Eventually they asked everyone to leave. He didn't
make it. I'm so thankful for the Plan of Salvation. I know his family
will see him again. It was incredible to see so many people with their
heads bowed praying as you walked through the halls. You could feel
it. Its made me reflect on the many gifts available to us that no
amount of money could buy. I am so thankful for the birth, life and
resurrection of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know He lives. I know He
loves me. I know He loves you too.

Please remember that this Christmas season.

I love y'all!
Sister Christensen
P.S. Don't forget to start reading the Book of Mormon from the
beginning today! 8-9 pages a day! Pray before and after you read to
ask Heavenly Father if it's true! He will answer!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 70 - 3 Nephi 15:9

Loved ones,

This week Sister Hurst and I rode around on our bikes almost
everywhere! We now share our car with the Level Creek sisters and it's
been a blessing! One night it was quite cold and rainy and we started
singing carols as we rode. It lifted our spirits big time.

Our most exciting day was Friday. We went to lunch with a member and
got food poisoning. It wasn't pretty. We had an appointment that night
that we really didn't want to cancel. Our mission nurse told us she
suggested we stay in but it was up to us. So we called around until we
found a member to come to this lesson with us. As we were setting this
up Sarah, one of our new investigators that we met a few weeks ago,
texted us and said she wanted to meet with us. Yay! As we were driving
up to our original appointment they called and cancelled on us.
Bummer. But we had Sarah! She met us at the church and we had a
wonderful lesson. She told us her mom forbade her two younger sisters
from meeting with us but she wanted to know more about the Book of
Mormon. I asked her how she felt the first couple times we met her and
she thought for a few moments and then said "I dont know how to
explain it. It felt a lot like how I feel now.... kind of like I'm
home." That blew my mind! I have heard people say that about coming
into the chapel but I'd never thought about how we bring the love of
our Heavenly Father to these people wherever they are. Of course His
love would make us feel that way! We shared the #LightTheWorldvideo
with her and she loved it! The member with us was able to share her
mom's conversion story which is very similar to what Sarah is going
through. She hadn't read the Book of a Mormon yet which made us sad...
But she agreed to read it starting that night and praying to know if
it was true! We texted her at the end of the night and thanked her for
meeting us with and reminded her to read. She responded letting us
know she just about to read chapter 11 of 3rd Nephi! We were so
excited! Heavenly Father and our Savior are in every aspect of this
work! He gave us the strength we needed and brought the member out
with us that needed to be there! I love being able to witness such
miracles. Sarah is joining us for dinner at this members house
Thursday :).

Saturday our food poisoning caught up to us...

Sunday we felt a little better. Sister Hurst was asked to speak in
church and did such an amazing job! Then we were asked to help teach a
primary class second hour. And we taught half the lesson in Relief
Society! She's done more in one Sunday at church than I've done my
entire mission almost haha. The Suwanee Ward knows how to break in a
new missionary!

I hope all y'all are finding the joy of this Christmas season! I know
that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer! I am so thankful for a
loving and all knowing Father in Heaven. I am also very thankful for a
loving family that I know I can be with forever thanks to the restored
Gospel of Jesus Christ!

All my heart
Sister Christensen
Our ward mission leader brought us some goodies to help us. He's the best!

Still blooming 😍🌹

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 69 - 3 Nephi 18:24 What's your verse?!

Loved ones,

It's been rainy the past couple days and so beautiful. Has there been a lot of snow for y'all? Sister Hurst said she saw a ton right before she left the MTC last week and was so happy for one last glimpse at it! 

This week has been great! So happy it's December!! Serving every day and sharing the #LightTheWorld video has been so amazing. It was sad to say goodbye to Sister Neff. Someone took our pictures last week and there're pretty fun. I'll send a few. 

Sister Hurst is my new companion. She is from American Fork and graduated just this past summer. She is so sweet and kind and so ready to serve. I love her already!

In nightly planning on Friday we had some space open up for finding before our ward Christmas party. I asked Sister Hurst to look in the area book map and pray about where we should try to find for those two hours. She prayed and found two streets and plugged them in. As we pulled up to one street the next day we said a prayer asking for Heavenly Father to help us find those that were prepared for the gospel. The first door we knocked on let us in and invited us back. We continued knocking with a lot of rejection. Two big gruffy looking guys literally ran inside their houses when they saw us coming haha. Then we saw a man walking out to his truck. As we began talking with him his son came out and began talking with us as well. He remembered missionaries like us had stopped by a few years before. His mom spoke Romanian and couldn't understand much of what they said. He said that two weeks later they returned and could speak Romanian to his mom! Haha wow! The elders made quite the impression on this kid! We shared the Christmas video with them and they invited us back to show their entire family. Sister Hurst invited them to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. The dad wasn't interested but the son lit up and said yes! He didn't quite understand everything but he wanted to know and wants to follow Christ! It was such a miracle! No matter how long we have been out or in an area the Lord can guide us exactly to those that are seeking Him.

I loved the Christmas devotional last night! I've been studying a lot about the Saviors birth and the prophets that testified of Him. Which is all of them haha. But it's brought me a lot of hope reading and feeling the hope of the prophets of old. I love the scriptures! 

I love all y'all!!
Sister Christensen

Sister Hurst's first dinner in Georgia 💚

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week 68 - John 8:12 & Matthew 5:14

Loved ones,

I sure hope all y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving week! We did here in Suwanee!! Sister Neff and I didn't want to over stuff ourselves like last year so we had one dinner appointment and about 25 other short lessons with anyone that would have us over. It was so much fun! 

I have crazy news! I will begin training a new missionary tomorrow! She just flew into Georgia today and I'll find out who she is tomorrow. I'm really humbled and pretty nervous... I can't wait to meet her! We'll be here in Suwanee together. I'm 98% sure Suwanee will be my final area in the mission. I LOVE Suwanee! I will miss Sister Neff and her fun spirit! It's less sad to see her off to a new area because we know we'll see each other in just a few months.

The Lee's were sealed on Saturday. It was probably the best day of my entire life. I can't even begin to describe the joy I felt talking with Sister Lee in the Brides room before the Sealing and seeing little almost 3 year old Ivy being brought into the Sealing room in all white. Last night I was talking to President Bennion and he didn't realize he gave me permission last month. He said he was thankful I went because he heard from a few other people how I recognized Brother Lee's parents in the Temple and helped them back out to the waiting room with the temple President. Nobody else would have recognized them and they would have gone into the Sealing room. It was a crisis avoided and he was very thankful I was there. I'll tell you more of that experience in a few months.

Yesterday morning we had scheduled to rake an investigators heard for her. We had to borrow the rakes from a member and told her we'd bring them back after we were done. We raked it was great and as we were dropping them back off to her we saw this cute little old lady across the street attempting to rake hers. Of course we ran over and finished her yard for her. We started talking with her and asking her about her beliefs. Next thing we know we're touring a Buddhist temple right behind her home and it was awesome. When we came back to her home 10 min later our member was there with a Chinese copy of the Book of Mormon for this sweet lady! We thanked her for giving us a tour and asked if we could give her a tour of our Chapel. She gladly accepted and asked if she could bring her husband. Our member then asked if she could invite her other neighbor across the street. So she walked us over to meet her and we set up another church tour! 

Have y'all seen the new Christmas video? It's so good! I'm excited to serve like the Savior over the 25 days. 

I love all y'all!
Sister Christensen
Hi family,

I love you! Seeing the Lee's sealed really was the best day ever. I wanted to share a few words that the sealer shared with us all:
Our trials are not to prove our worth to Heavenly Father but to prove to ourselves we are worthy of the blessings He has in store for us.
Our trials are not to see how much we can take but to see how we will react to them.

I love all y'all!

Just wanted you to know how much your daughter is loved. These pictures where taken yesterday at the temple at Bro. And Sis. Lee's sealing.
You have a great daughter we have enjoyed working with her.

Sister Jean Underwood
Mission Secretary

The Lee's 💕❤️
One of the 25 families! They're awesome! 
We brought hot chocolate to the Turkey Bowl 🦃🏈